Making a skin on second life is hard. Very hard. Just thought I would tell you. Actually it is easy, but to make it look like the skin is not diseased is quite hard - I need to find ways around the complications. This is a problem I am having with Second Life in general the interface is complicated - I have fun playing around but as far as creating anything useful...well so far no good. but useful is over rated so art is my goal - the 3d interface is interesting - one thing is how race is not an option in the generic editing panel while male/female body is. some thoughts.
Author of - I Avatar - inspiring for my entrance into world mix art tech etc. Also his book I Avatar will be used as a 'text' for me to look at for my thesis. I love the book and the way it expresses both through 'argument' and visual and the authors own life the possibilities of the 'Strange Migration'
When you enter a new culture you are new. In Second Life you are a newbie. And you are easily spotted despite whatever you may think. Entering a new culture there are so many things you just dont know - An outsider to the new group - Noob is the common internet gamer code for those who are new -
mUSICALLY EXPRESSED through this SL music video
Here is a way to leave your Noobie status behind - Tutorials can help guide the newbie
Urban Dictionary offers a distinction between noob and newbie - Contrary to the belief of many, a noob/n00b and a newbie/newb are not the same thing. Newbs are those who are new to some task* and are very beginner at it, possibly a little overconfident about it, but they are willing to learn and fix their errors to move out of that stage. n00bs, on the other hand, know little and have no will to learn any more. They expect people to do the work for them and then expect to get praised about it, and make up a unique species of their own. It is the latter we will study in this guide so that the reader is prepared to encounter them in the wild if needed.
Noobs are often referred to as n00bs as a sign of disrespect toward them, and it's often hella funny, but I will refer to them as noobs during this reading.
I first realized that entering the metaverse meant I was a noob. Sitting in the office I signed on to my account - a group of fellow office dwellers signed on as well. With our new identities we managed to find each other and teleport to a dance club. Quickly an oompaa lumpa looking member of our crowd who had an identity that was not attractive and was not wearing a shirt was laughed at - as we all were. A pack of newbies. How annoying. We were at a strip club and no one appreciated our stupid attempts at participation - we had no money to pay the dancers we did not even know that we should have paid them. I am still a newbie - I am afraid to talk a lot of the time. Its like the first day of school. You sort of sit and observe.
A google search for my avatar name quickly locates me. I guess even an avatar cant hide that easy. But that site says nothing really about Wander. I did find some useful info "729 others with last name "Kips" 54 others with first name "Wander"
Oh Boy I found something much more fun - Thank God for the Urban Dictionary . kip --- 361 up, 76 down love ithate it
Napoleon Dynamite's Bro N-"Stay home and eat all the freakin' chips Kip." K-"Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter."
Kip kip 63 up, 65 down love ithate it
Slang term (Irish)
An untidy, dirty or unattractive place. "Your bedroom is such a kip, man!" "Tidy up this kip!" "Oh, what a fucking kip! Im out of here!"
Kip 7 up, 43 down love ithate it
A short way of saying crab infested pussy That chick Rachel got kip.
KIPS 2 up, 3 down love ithate it
An acronym for "kid in purple shirt". Likes to watch girls pee. Likes Asians. Typically seen sporting windbreakers, New Balances, 90's jeans and a smile. Enjoys awkward breakfasts in the dining hall. Likes pregaming with captain morgan. "I need someone to dance with my friend, he's a KIPS." "Oh man, she's drunk, maybe she'll do it." creepy,andy,purple,windbreakers,asian by Mergison Sep 7, 2008 share this add comment 2. kips love ithate it
So I have begun my analysis - officially - in terms of writing anyways. I started with where I started before choosing a name. I choose Wander Kips. Why? I am not sure I liked the way it sounded I think. Had I done my research first I would have paid more attention to the fact that you can never change your name!!!! I feel the pain expressed by an SL Insider article from 2006 - You open the page and it warns you> Please choose your Selcond Life name carefully, since it can’t be changed later.” But who reads those things carefully??? And the history of names is strange.
You can pick your first name free floating creative style but the second you must choose from an everchanging list. But who is in my family? I wonder - I am researching this right now but it is hard to know. I have found lists of most famous/important last names in SL but what about mine????
And did you know that enough $$ can buy you whatever name you want according to CNET.
I found this. I may have found a clan member!! Name = Ghostly Kips! Perhaps the ghost of ancient kipistry! Ghostly's wiki has a one line entry. Llama. A trace for sure that will lead to the bottom of something.
Ok so some more time has passed. And I can not find out much more about my offical SL genology. So I look towards eytmology. What does Kips mean anyways? Wikipedia is so smart on stuff like this. .... a kip is a unit of force that equals 1,000 pounds-force, ..... uncommon, it is occasionally also considered a unit of mass, equal to 1,000 pounds.......when it is necessary to clearly distinguish it as a unit of force rather than mass, it is sometimes called the kip-force (symbol kipf or klbf). Note that the symbol kp usually stands for a different unit of force, the kilopond or kilogram-force..........The kip is also the name of obsolete units of measure in England and Malaysia.[1]
So I am a measure of force. I think I want to make clear that I am a unit of force instead of mass so I would make sure to tell people my name is kip-force. If anyone ever asked.